• Healing creates spaciousness around areas of contraction in our lives.

    When we’re caught in an eddy of habitual thoughts or behaviors, it’s hard to see beyond the size and shape of our problems. When we’re standing on solid ground, we can more easily see them for what they are: a patch of turbulence that has ensnared fragments of our overall humanity. Healing is the willow branch that enables us to climb back up onto the riverbank, where we can regard our activities and experience from a vantage point of greater perspective and wholeness.

    Many things can awaken our senses and restore us to ourselves—a song or story or work of art we find pleasurable, physical exertion, a new idea, an encounter with nature, a nourishing meal, the soft nap of a garment we love, or communion with a friend or animal companion.

    Sometimes we consult medical professionals, physical therapists, nutritionists, or bodyworkers to address our physical issues. Working with other types of healers, teachers, and guides can help shift our relationship to the inner and outer conditions of our lives.

  • Nonduality is the understanding that everything is interconnected and mutually co-arising, despite the perception of our separateness from others and the world.

    Someone trained in nondual healing invokes this fundamental condition of relationship in their sessions with clients.

    When we long to change our circumstances—career, family, relationships, health, life purpose, etc.—we’re often tempted to banish the parts of ourselves and others that we dislike. Nondual healing encourages us to reclaim all of ourselves, to become intimate with the totality of our being, so that we may direct our life force more effectively in the service of our truest nature.

    Being seen and heard for the totality of who we are allows us to relax into ourselves, freeing up more of our vitality, creativity, and curiosity, and deepening our compassion toward self and others.

  • Nondual Kabbalistic Healing® (NKH) is a healing paradigm based on the direct transmission of Jason Shulman’s profound realization of the nondual nature of reality.

    NKH is the most in-depth training offered by A Society of Souls, encompassing four years of classes and a palette of 16 healings. The curriculum weaves the ancient wisdom of the Kabbalah, including the Tree of Life and the Four Universes, with Buddhist thought, the insights of quantum physics, a Western psychological understanding of the human condition, and the teachings of nonduality, into a deeply transformative healing modality.

  • Coming soon.

  • I currently conduct all of my sessions via Zoom or other virtual platforms.

    Nondual Reiki (30 or 60 min)

    After a brief discussion of what you’d like to address, I invite universal life energy (“ki” = Qi) to flow wherever it’s needed in your mind-body-spirit.

    I refer to it as “Nondual Reiki” because I combine Reiki with Nondual Healing—in other words, the textbook process of sending Reiki is inseparable from my orientation as a nondual healer.

    Most of my first-time Reiki clients contact me for help with physical symptoms. By the end of the session, we often end up discussing other things. 

    For those who’d rather not talk in detail about their vulnerabilities, Reiki is an excellent doorway to the healing arts, as it requires less active engagement on the part of the client throughout the session.

    Nondual Healing (60 or 90 min)

    A typical session is 60 minutes. During the first 45 minutes, you talk about whatever is on your mind; I may ask questions and/or reflect on the presenting situation. For the next 10 minutes, we sit together in silence as I embody qualities of rectified relationship within the kabbalistic Tree of Life or choose other means of reconnecting you with your inner wisdom and potency.

    Nondual Editorial Healing

    I work with clients to revise the text of their websites, resumes, and other self-marketing materials so that the language more effectively conveys the magnitude of their inner landscape. 

    Sometimes the problem is simply technical, such as precision or concision of wording. Other times our written attempts to “sell” ourselves can reveal hidden reservations or internal conflicts that hinder us beyond the printed page. I can help you with both.

    The price for this service depends on the scope of the project and the current state of your materials. Contact me for a free 20-minute consultation. 

  • While our emotional and spiritual well-being can affect our physical health, I always encourage my clients to seek medical attention for physical issues. I may also suggest that you explore other complementary modalities to support your health and well-being. 

  • Healing sessions are $150 per hour. A 30-minute Reiki session is $75.

    My preferred payment methods for U.S.-based clients are Zelle or check.

    Clients based outside the U.S. can use PayPal or international bank transfer services such as Wise or Revolut.

  • It’s a relief to speak one’s heart fully in one’s most comfortable mode of expression. Code-switching can be exhausting.

    I hold sessions in Mandarin or Spanish with clients who struggle to express themselves in English.

    If you would like to find a healer who is fluent in your language or culture, I will try and connect you with a colleague from my community of nondual healers.

Questions? Let’s chat.

Please email me.